Wednesday 24 November 2010

Analysis of Look and Now contents page

Both Look and Now magazine are aimed at teenagers which is why I want to see how they are laid out compared to Q which is aimed at an older audience.

Look also continues the font and colours of pink and black from the front cover this is used to not confuse the reader. Like Q Look uses mainly black writing in the contents page as it is easier to read because black stands out more. The title of the contents incorporates the name of the magazine 'Look this week' it is clever and catchy and also conveys the purpose of the page.

Look uses common conventions of a contents page such as page numbers and photos of some of the content of the magazine. for example there is an image of JLS with a caption that says 'The JLS boys go geek chic' their faces are code for happiness and fun as they are smiling and posing acting like 'geeks' which gives an insight into the article. also the colours in the photos are bright and quirky.
Also there are headings and subheadings which stand out as the colours are inverted as the writing is white and the background is black.
An important convention of the contents page is the page number as it can often be overlooked and give a clear identification of what page you are on and makes it clear which page you want to go to.

Now also uses common conventions of a contents page such as headings "Newsflash!" subheadings "On the cover" and the page numbers. Unlike look it incorporates others such as the date.The image is of celebrity's in 'I'm a celebrity this relates to the target audience as it gives the reader an insight into the celebs.
Now usually uses the colours pink and white which appeals to more of the female audience it also making it colourful and appealing to the reader. The colour blue is also incorporated as well as it is used in the name of the magazine.

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