Tuesday 23 November 2010

Analysis of contents page of Q

Q has all the common conventions of a contents page such as a heading, subheadings, photographs of artists and the page numbers.
Q places the features on the far left of the page showing the main artists this would be the first thing the reader sees making it stand out. Also because it is black writing on a white page which makes it stand out and easier to read therefore clear.
There is a black border around the contents to make it clear what the page is about.
There is a big picture of the main artists featured with the page number in the picture this makes it easier for the reader to find where in the magazine a particular article is. The main picture has two different artists looking at each other as if its a head to head their facial expressions look serious, which suggests that it is an article about the two going head to head so to speak. The background is blue which suggests that it is cold therefore there is no feeling between these artists, however, as there are clouds it suggests that it is not extremely 'cold'.
There are also smaller pictures of other artists that are featured within the magazine this gives the reader a feel of what is incorporated within the magazine. The pictures have musical instruments in them such as a microphone, keyboard and a guitar, this is a cose of a music magazine.
The main colours are red and white these follow on from the logo which could make the reader unconsciously relate these colours to the magazine. They are continued from the front page this helps no to confuse the reader, also they are primary colours which keeps the magazine simple an not over complicated with hundreds of different colours.

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