Monday 20 September 2010

Developing three ideas

Idea 1- Pop Magazine

Profile of the target audience and example of a current magazine:

“Pop Star!” Is an example of a popular pop magazine. It is targeted towards younger ages rather than teens, the reader can see this through the use of colours and exaggerated facial expressions. This is used to make the magazine bright and fun to influence the younger generations to buy it. The writing is bubbly and youthful. Also t

he magazine uses well known pop stars and actors and actresses this is to adhere to the current likes of the target audience, which will inevitably persuade the consumer to buy it. The magazine has quotations from the stars which suggests that you may find something out about them, ‘gossip’ is a big element within magazines. Usually young children of both genders aged 11-14yrs.

Idea Two- A magazine for festival goers

Profile of the target audience and example of a current magazine:

“Q” is an example of a magazine targeted at festival goers. We can tell this by the 'Glastonbury preview'. The cover tells the reader that it is for an older audience rather than children because compared to the “Pop Stars!” magazine it is much simpler with the main colours being red and white. The colour red suggests warmth which could entice the reader. For a festival goer the main attraction would be the Glastonbury preview and also the unseen Blur and also the list of artists and bands. The bands would entice the reader as they will want to know about the upcoming bands and already established artists. Bruce Springsteen is the main feature of the front cover we can see this because he is dominant and in the middle of the front cover, this shows that the magazine is aimed at the older generation.

Idea 3- Rock Magazine

Profile of the target audience and example of a current magazine:

“Rolling Stones” is an example of a rock based magazine. From this we can see the target audience is more for people who are into rock rather than pop music. The fire in the background implies that pink Floyd are a rock band. The colours of red and black show the revel side of the readers. And is also relevant to the colours that rock listeners prefer.

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